
Support the museum


Your tax-deductible donations help keep our global vision alive!

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit institution, and rely on donations to help us meet our operational and programming goals each year. Whether you’d like to make a small gift or leave a lasting legacy, we would love to work with you on a donation that will help us continue to foster awareness, understanding and appreciation of worldwide cultural diversity.

Corporate Sponsorship

We offer Corporate sponsorship opportunities with a range of unique benefit packages. From event and exhibit sponsorships to long-term partnerships that provide ongoing benefits for both Museum visitors and your employees, we can design a package that works for you.

Visit our Sponsorship page or email for additional details:

Wish List

Throughout the year, the Museum needs many office and art supplies to support its operations and educational programs. You can help reduce our overhead costs by donating one or more of the following items.

Click here or use the button below to purchase from our Wish List!

Office and Storage Supplies:

  • Cleaning supplies
  • Copy paper
  • Large clear plastic storage containers
  • Manila file folders
  • 12-foot ladder

Craft Supplies:

  • Color paper (construction, regular and card stock)
  • Colored markers
  • Crayons
  • Glue sticks
  • Small scissors
  • Hand wipes
  • Ribbon
  • Tissue paper
  • Manila folders
  • Sticker name tags
  • Multicultural stamps (not postage)
  • Ink pads
  • Stickers (globe, people, language symbols)
  • Clothing from other countries (especially Taiwan, China, Japan, Mexico, Brazil)

Gift Cards:

Gift cards to local craft and office supply stores like Joann’s and Staples are also welcome!

For more information on donating, please call 518-793-2773.

Thanks for your support!

WACM Image

Russia, 2001

Mylon Glyph Stamp Collection from South America, 2004

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