The World Awareness Children’s Museum is excited to announce their series of upcoming events for the month of September! From Paint & Sips, to exploring local nature trails, there’s something for everyone to enjoy! You can download the calendar for the month of September here.

Young Conservationist Series

The World Awareness Children’s Museum is proud to announce our new “Young Conservationist Series”, presented in conjunction with Saratoga PLAN!

During our Young Conservationist Series, children and families will explore three (3) different Saratoga PLAN nature preserves, where they will get to learn about nature, enjoy some light snacks, and make a craft! Programs are as follows:

  • Sunday, September 20th: Rowland Hollow Creek Preserve
  • Saturday, September 26th: Orra Phelps Nature Preserve
  • Sunday, September 27th: Galway Nature Preserve

Programs are $15 per child, $5 per adult. All programs are about 90 minutes and begin at 11am.
We ask that all attendees wear masks and perform social distancing in accordance with state and federal laws.

Families interested in signing up can call the Museum at 518.793.2773 or email:

Thanks to JUST Water for their generous water bottle donation for the event!

Paint & Sip Series

Our popular and family-friendly “Paint & Sip” series returns to the Museum on Wednesday, September 23rd and Tuesday, September 29th, 1:00pm – 2:30pm each class!
Program is $20 per child/adult duo ($5 for each additional child and $10 for each additional adult). Members get a 50% discount!
Space is limited, so please call us at 518.793.2773 or email to sign up today!
**Face coverings are to be warn at all times during the event except while sipping juice**
This workshop is aligned with NYS educational standards and is a perfect resource for homeschooling families.

Our Earth: Keep It Clean Series

In this workshop series, students will visit the museum to explore ways the air, land, and water are polluted. They’ll also find ways that they can help make it cleaner by replanting and recycling. Students will analyze art together and learn about the environment around the world, including what they can do to make our earth a great place to live by conserving our resources. Programs are as follows:
  • Thursday, September 24th (For children in 2nd and 3rd grade)
  • Monday, September 28th (For children Pre-K through 1st grade)
  • Wednesday, September 30th (For children in 4th through 6th grade)
Cost: $15/child, $5/adult. Members get $2 off! All programs run 10:00am – 11:00am.
Please call to reserve your spot: 518-793-2773 ext. 305. Each lesson is limited to 10 children, so sign up quickly!
This program meets the following NYS Education Standards:
ELA: Reading, Standard 7; Speaking and Listening, Standard 1; Language, Standard 1
Arts—Visual Arts: Creating, Standard 1; Responding, Standard 7; Responding, Standard 8
Social Studies: Gathering, interpreting, and using evidence; geographical reasoning
Science: Communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on living organisms and non-living things in the environment; obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural resources and their uses affect the environment.
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