Young Artists Competition!

The World Awareness Children’s Museum is proud to announce our Young Artists Competition, with submissions being accepted October 1st through November 16th! The guidelines will be as follows: Submissions begin: October 1st, 2018. Submission deadline: November...

Upcoming Events At The Museum! (3/10/18)

The World Awareness Children’s Museum is proud to announce these upcoming events for the month of March: Sunday, March 11th: Free Day At WACM – Come visit the World Awareness Children’s Museum for our monthly Free Day! Come explore our exhibits and...

Help us reach New Destinations in 2018!

The World Awareness Children’s Museum is excited to announce the launch of their Annual Campaign for 2017. Through engaging, interactive activities and educational programming, WACM imparts the values of inclusion, acceptance and understanding. The Museum...

Join us for Dia de Los Muertos Sunday!

Join us for our Dia de Los Muertos Sunday!   Come and celebrate family – past, present and future, as we observe the Mexican holiday Dia de Los Muertos! You will have lots of different activities to choose from to celebrate! Make your own Mexican themed...

Glens Falls & Mexico with Maury Thompson

GLENS FALLS & MEXICO “HISTORICAL WARREN COUNTY CONNECTIONS WITH MEXICO” A Lecture with Maury Thompson   Wine • Refreshments by Samantha’s Café • Art Reception • Live Music • Historical Talk Friday, November 3 5-7 p.m. World Awareness...
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